Your Ultimate 2024 Horoscope Is Here (2024)

New year, new astro. As the calendar turns to 2024, there’s a fresh area of focus for every zodiac sign. Will you be lucky in the year ahead? What do the stars have in store for your love life, career, and finances? ELLE’s resident astrologers, The AstroTwins, have mapped out your forecast.

Your Ultimate 2024 Horoscope Is Here (1)


It’s official, Ram: You are destiny’s child in 2024. The lunar north node, a point in the sky that directs humanity’s collective evolution, will be in Aries all year. During this rare—as in every 18 to 20 years—cycle, your genre-busting ideas and fierce individuality are what the world needs. On a personal level, in 2024, you may reshape your identity and find a new direction for your talents. Since the process may be mysterious and messy at times, find yourself a Yoda who can mentor you through this hero’s journey. April 8 is a huge day for transformation, when the total solar eclipse in Aries darkens the daytime skies. After this “lights out” moment, you will emerge with epiphanies that you can take to the bank. No rush to go public, however. Wait until live-out-loud Jupiter heads into communicative Gemini on May 25. You’ll know how to articulate your vision then, which could take the zeitgeist by storm.


Self-reliance often goes out the window when you’re in a relationship, Aries, but not this year. In 2024, guard your autonomy like a sphinx, even when you’re crazy in love. Yes, Ram, it’s possible to give yourself space without pushing people away. Single Aries will revel in their solo status, but in the second half of the year, it will be hard to keep admirers at bay. The solar eclipse on October 2 brings a jolt of fresh-start energy to relationships.


Tradition, schmadition. Get ready to feel wildly out of character this year, Bull. As revolutionary changemakers Jupiter and Uranus unite in Taurus for the first half of 2024, you aren’t just throwing caution to the wind, you’re hitting g-force levels of acceleration in your personal development. Go big, Bull! Write the book, do a year on the opposite coast, hire developers to build your app. Or, if you’re completely flummoxed about what’s next for your life, give yourself permission to experiment widely. Don’t worry: Your traditional sensibilities drip back in once Jupiter exits your sign on May 25, along with steadier income streams. To keep yourself somewhat grounded during this transformative year, maintain wellness routines, and tap into community support. Organized, innovative friends will anchor you for a change.


The potential for soulmate connections is high for you this year, but you’ve got to stay in one place long enough to build the bond. Until May 25, you may be too much of a moving target for Cupid’s arrows. “Quality time” becomes your love language again in the second half of the year. Make up for lost time with an epic baecation. Single and searching? Pay attention to who shows up near the April 8 eclipse.


As 2024 begins, meditate, reflect, and bask in self-care. You’re going to need a full emotional tank to make the most of the incredible opportunities coming your way after May 25. For the first time in over a decade, expansive, abundant Jupiter soars into Gemini and kicks off your yearlong Renaissance Tour. New experiences will literally find you during this power period, which lasts until June 9, 2025. With Saturn and Neptune teamed up in your career zone all year, focus on mastering your craft—or finding a new path that is worthy of your time and devotion. Need support? Reach out to the VIPs in your network. You could be ready for a huge debut near autumn’s two eclipses on September 17 or October 2.


To attract—or keep—the soulful love that 2024 has in store for Gems, a few sacrifices may be in order. Start by blocking disruptive exes (even if you’re truly “just friends”) or bowing out of random social activities that clutter your schedule. Geminis in relationships: Be careful not to slip into caretaker mode. You need a partner who will support your expansion—not one who drains your emotional resources by acting like a baby. The good news? It may only take a few honest conversations with your S.O. to stop beige flags from turning into red ones.


Crabs are playing hide and seek in 2024, disappearing into your shell, then reappearing strategically to rule the room. While your popularity soars in the first half of the year, guard your alone time like a hawk. You’ll do some of your best work behind the scenes and that includes deep emotional processing to release childhood pain. With the destiny-driven north node in your career zone all year, Cancers may be carving out a brand-new path—or expanding possibilities within your current profession. Money flows in from investments, commission, or the sale of your creative work. If you’re ready to move or fix up your space, the process may be hastened near the eclipses on March 25 and October 2.


Relationships deepen in powerful ways this year, but here’s the twist: For you to feel close to someone, you’ll need more well-defined boundaries. Practice the art of speaking up for yourself and being less agreeable. Trust that you’re setting the stage for a healthy, mutual relationship—without the toxicity of resentment poisoning the well. With sultry Pluto relocating to your eighth house of permanent bonds for 20 years in 2024, settling down is sexy! Get ready for some big developments this summer, when a pair of Capricorn full moons light up your seventh house of relationships on June 21 and July 21.


You’re the leader of a new school this year, Leo. Underneath your crown lies a brilliant mind, and it’s time to share your unique philosophies with the world. A life-changing travel opportunity may arise near the April 8 eclipse, which helps you deepen your knowledge. And with iconoclasts Jupiter and Uranus in your tenth house of prestige in the first half of the year, your visionary ideas could catch on like wildfire. Now for the big question: Are they scalable? On May 25, growth-agent Jupiter sails into Gemini, boosting your popularity exponentially. Find a way to include other people in your pride—without sacrificing too much creative control. You could be cheers-ing a team victory by the October 2 eclipse.


Are you in, or are you out? That answer fluctuates wildly in 2024. With Saturn and Neptune in your deep-diving eighth house, you could turn a romantic fantasy into a legit reality, nuptials and all. But Jupiter and the lunar nodes are charging up your wild child energy. If you’re ticking off the boxes on someone else’s checklist, you could wind up disappointed. Be the author of your own love story, even if it follows a script that’s never been written before.


Now they see you, now they don’t. New horizons beckon, Virgo, and with co-adventurers Jupiter and Uranus in your worldly ninth house, you could spend the first half of 2024 traveling, learning, and immersed in growth experiences. Ditch perfectionism, and open yourself up to “teachable moments” that can only come from trial and error. And if you have something to teach others (and what Virgo doesn’t?), this is the year to develop your personal master class. With the lunar nodes stretched across your money axis, you could score a meant-to-be work assignment or get in on the ground floor of a savvy investment. When enterprising Jupiter sails into Gemini on May 25, career expansion is in store. You could nab a plum client or go back to school for a paycheck-boosting degree or certification. Got a solid business idea in the works? An investor could put dollars behind your dreams in the second half of the year.


Fantasy meets reality for Virgos in 2024, as grounded Saturn and dreamy Neptune sail together through your partnership house all year. Relationships are a powerful mirror and, gulp, not always a flattering one. Remember this: There’s no better tool for self-discovery than seeing yourself through another person’s eyes. Virgos could meet someone who’s marriage material this year or decide to make a situationship official. But watch out for sabotaging tendencies that could creep up near the September 17 eclipse.


You’re traversing the wild unknown in 2024, Libra, which is exciting and disorienting. For this, you can thank the lunar south node spending the year in Libra. This point in the sky is associated with collective shadow work and only comes to your sign every 18 to 20 years. While this heralds a period of profound spiritual growth, get ready to experience a full spectrum of feelings. You’ll be ready to make some major life pivots near the year’s two eclipses in Libra on March 25 and October 2—and they could happen faster than expected. A mashup of limitless Jupiter and experimental Uranus empowers you to explore mysticism, eroticism, and unbridled creativity in the first half of 2024. When Jupiter jets into Gemini for a year on May 25, you’ll travel, make media, go back to school, or start your own business.


Lessons in love will be plentiful this year as the destiny-driven north node rolls through Aries and your relationship house all year. Shift away from playing the supporting role. This year, you need to build a mutually beneficial connection where both people get to thrive and win. Sultry experimentation could lead you to tantric sex, role playing, and other sex-positive delights—especially with potent Pluto embarking on a 20-year journey through your passionate fifth house. Yes, Libra, you deserve to be worshipped and adored.


Power to your partnerships, Scorpio. All year long, lucky, abundant Jupiter is sailing through the dynamic duo zones of your chart, blasting through your resistance to let others get close to you. While you’ll still need to put them through the requisite loyalty tests, you’ll find new ways to pair up—for business, pleasure, creative configurations, and more—that allow you both to retain a measure of independence. Your cosmic ruler—the seductive, mysterious Pluto—is going through a huge moment. In 2024, it wraps up a 16-year tour through your communication zone (Capricorn) and drops anchor in Aquarius and your fourth house of family and home for 20 years. Connections to your inner circle deepen, and some Scorpios could make big earnings from real estate. An unexpected travel opportunity could rock your world near the September 17 eclipse. Go for it!


Quietly observing from the corner? That was fun. But in 2024, love requires you to be fully interactive. Liberated Jupiter and Uranus unite in your partnership house for the first half of the year, which could turn you into a full-on relationship anarchist. Write your own rules, Scorpio; it’s nobody’s business but your own. When Jupiter drifts into Gemini and your erotic eighth house on May 25, you’ll be up for some envelope-pushing experimentation. But you’ll also need a clear-cut commitment now, so here’s to finding a relationship with equal doses of lust and trust.


No more winging it, Sagittarius. To elevate your life in 2024, you might need to land the plane for a minute, and get your plans in order. Review budgets and timelines. Then, get clear about where you actually want to go next. Surprise: You may revel in the process of setting up systems. A game-changing breakthrough could revitalize your career when your ruler, lucky Jupiter, bonds with experimental Uranus on April 20. With stabilizing Saturn anchored in Pisces and your foundational fourth house, you’re ready to put down roots and build a secure launch pad for your future. Fame and popularity are on the rise this year, thanks to the destiny-dusted lunar nodes. Set up a “studio” for recording videos or developing your passions. This is the year to find the format that allows your unique talents to shine.


Where do your passions lie, Sagittarius? The more you focus on what lights you up, the more likely you’ll be to attract someone who adores the truest you. The lunar north node spends the year in Aries and your fertile, romantic fifth house making this a delicious year for proposals, pregnancies, or simply enjoying some high-vibe love. Circle April 8, when the total solar eclipse could reveal a hot prospect who’s been hiding in plain sight. On May 25, your ruler, daring Jupiter, swings into Gemini and your partnership house for a year. You could place your bets on a worthy candidate or plan something epic, like a couples vacation or major purchase with your S.O.


An entirely new era is coming for Capricorns in 2024—and oh, how liberating it will be. On November 19, intense and challenging Pluto will officially leave your sign after putting you through paces since 2008. What’s ahead? A much smoother ride where you can settle into simple routines, leaving time for you to focus on work (and people!) that you’re passionate about. Highlight March 25 and October 2 on the calendar: The year’s two Libra eclipses bring major momentum for your career. You may need to leap at a professional growth opportunity, ready or not. Home life is also a hotspot in 2024, as the lunar north node highlights your domestic life. Strengthen bonds with loved ones, host intimate gatherings, and consider changes in your living situation. Wellness goals rev up after May 25, when vitality-boosting Jupiter lunges into your sixth house. This could be the year that you train for a 5K or even run a marathon.


The first half of 2024 is exceptionally exciting for Capricorns in love. No-limits Jupiter and experimental Uranus are synced up in Taurus and your passionate fifth house, setting you free to explore relationships in whatever configuration your heart desires. Proposals, pregnancies, power-coupling—take the initiative to bring your vision of love into form. Love planet Venus visits Capricorn twice, softening your resistance to intimacy. And with a pair of back-to-back full moons in Capricorn on June 21 and July 21, you’ll be wearing your heart on your sleeve this summer.


A straight-up renaissance is in store for you, Aquarius. In fact, you might not even recognize yourself by the time 2024 is through. Potent, alchemical Pluto swings back into Aquarius on January 20, a cycle that only happens every 250 years. With the transformational planet in your first house of identity until 2044, hidden aspects of your personality will be unveiled. Know this, Water Bearer: Your idealism and innovation are a gift to the world. They’re also your key to manifesting wealth and powerful connections over the coming two decades. While you lay under the radar for the first half of 2024, there’s no hiding your shine after May 25. As live-out-loud Jupiter soars into Gemini for a year, it boosts your confidence and fame. Tap your communication skills for writing, podcasting, or entrepreneurial ventures, but manage your finances wisely as maturity-planet Saturn watches over your money all year.


With love planets Venus and Mars uniting in your sign this February, there’s no need to wait until spring for your romantic awakening. But “settling down” may be the last thing on your mind this year. With adventurous Jupiter soaring into Gemini and your romance zone for a year on May 25, you need a passionate playmate who will expand your world with their visionary ideals. That’s not to say you can’t get serious—in fact, you need to know that you’re with someone who will be transparent and trustworthy, whether your arrangement is conventional or not. The second half of the year could bring everything from a baby bump to a blingy rock on a certain finger. The lunar eclipse on September 17 brings a make-it-or-break-it moment. You’ll need to choose: Will you stay, or will you go?


Who’s swimming around in your fish tank, Pisces? The action takes place close to home for you in 2024, and surprise, you may have overlooked a hidden treasure that was hiding in plain sight, like a vibrant yoga studio, coworking space, or an apartment building that has your name (and future address) written all over it. Friends and family will be plentiful. Prioritize time with them, and you’ll flourish. Nurturing your social life is important for another reason—to counteract the heavy effects of stern Saturn, which is anchored in Pisces all year long. You’re hosting the taskmaster planet from March 7, 2023, until Feb. 13, 2026, a cycle that only comes around every 30 years. There will be lots of growing pains in 2024, but lean into your resilience, Pisces. Trust that every sacrifice you make is turning you into a lean, mean machine who can handle anything. Your ruler, dreamweaver Neptune, is also in Pisces this year, helping you turn your inner evolution into magic and art. The Pisces lunar eclipse on September 17 could bring a huge epiphany about what’s next for your life.


Lessons in love will be potent for Pisces in 2024, as the karmic south node swirls through Libra and your intimate, seductive, transformational eighth house. Are you working too hard to win someone’s affections? If so, it’s time to draw back. Watch out for your inner saboteur who may show up in the form of jealousy or insecurity, especially near the two Libra eclipses on March 25 and October 2. While these emotions are important to listen to, they may stem from earlier pain that you are ready (and willing) to heal. Mantra for 2024: When you change the way you look at things, the things you’re looking at change. Jupiter’s move into your domestic zone on May 25 signals cohabitation opportunities. Give the nice ones a chance to win your heart.

Get your complete forecast in The AstroTwins 2024 Horoscope, available in paperback or PDF. ELLE readers get 20 percent off with the checkout code ELLE24.

Your Ultimate 2024 Horoscope Is Here (2024)


Which zodiac is luckiest in 2024? ›

Aquarius –Aquarius is the most fortunate sign in Saturn Year 2024, as Saturn is the co-ruler of this sign and will be in its own sign for most of the year. This means that Aquarius will have a strong connection with Saturn and will be able to manifest its goals and dreams with ease.

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Jupiter Conjunct Uranus

Regarded as potentially the most significant astrological event of 2024, this rare conjunction holds exceptional significance, having occurred in the sign of Taurus only three times since 1100.

What signs will get pregnant in 2024? ›

These 3 zodiac signs will you get pregnant in summer 2024

Gemini, Pisces, and Scorpio your lives are set to be transformed because you are all about to become moms!

Is 2024 a good year for Cancer? ›

Celebrity astrologer Kyle Thomas tells PEOPLE exclusively that 2024 "brings many opportunities for all zodiac signs" in various facets of their lives — but for Cancer specifically, he says "you have so much to look forward to in many ways."

Which month is lucky to be born? ›

A 2004 study revealed that people born in May consider themselves luckier than those born in other months. (The month considered the least lucky? October.)

Which zodiac is very lucky? ›

Certain zodiac signs excel in love. Libra, Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, and Leo attract romance. Libra's diplomacy, Pisces' intuition, Cancer's devotion, Taurus's reliability, and Leo's generosity and enthusiasm ensure enduring and passionate relationships.

What is the spiritual year of 2024? ›

In the realm of numerology, 2024 is considered an "8 year," symbolizing abundance, balance, and success. As we transition into this spiritually charged period, there is anticipation and excitement among numerologists about the transformative potential of the year.

Is 2024 a karmic year? ›

“In angelic symbolism the 8 is a representation of justice, leadership, prosperity, balance but it also represents karma, in this case, 2024 will be a year in which we will reap the fruits of what we have sown, that is, if you sowed effort, work, honesty, then you will reap success and abundance in this new year,” says ...

What kind of year will 2024 be? ›

The Wood Dragon year 2024, when combined with the nourishing Wood element, will bring evolution, improvement, and abundance; it is the perfect time for rejuvenated beginnings and setting the foundation for long-term success.

Is 2024 good to have a baby? ›

2024 is the year of the dragon according to the Lunar zodiac. Amongst the 12 animals in the zodiac order, many Asian cultures believe babies born in the year of the dragon are the luckiest, destined to have the best fortune and success in life than babies born under any other sign.

What year are you most fertile? ›

What age are women most fertile? Unfortunately, a woman may be most fertile when she's not yet ready to have kids. "A woman's peak reproductive years are between the late teens and late 20s," according to ACOG. (Fertility for men also decreases with age, but not as predictably as for women.)

What are the years to have a baby? ›

A woman's peak reproductive years are between the late teens and late 20s. By age 30, fertility (the ability to get pregnant) starts to decline. This decline happens faster once you reach your mid-30s. By 45, fertility has declined so much that getting pregnant naturally is unlikely.

Who is Cancers soulmate? ›

Generally, the most compatible signs for Cancer friendships and romantic relationships are fellow water signs, Pisces and Scorpio, as they'll just "get it" with regards to the emotional language that Cancer speaks. Earth signs (Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn) have similar space-holding energy.

Who is Cancers soulmate in 2024? ›

Cancer and Pisces

Both will emotionally understand each other on an unparalleled level that cannot be matched by any other sign. This will deepen their physical intimacy and intellectual connection, enabling them both to feel safe and secure enough to pursue their dreams and an endless love together.

What year is the luckiest for Cancer? ›

Lucky Years for Cancer

Years ending in these numbers, like 2025 and 2034, are especially fortunate for the crab. This can mean that prosperity and positivity are headed your way—you might win the jackpot in the lottery, get married to your soulmate, or climb even higher in your career during these years.

What animal will be lucky in 2024? ›

Luckiest signs in the year 2024, according to the Chinese Horoscope. According to the China Highlights website, the signs with the most luck and fortune in 2024 will be: monkeys, roosters, and pigs. In a second category of luck for the year 2024 are: ox, rabbits, goats, and dogs.

Which zodiac is luckiest in 2025? ›

According to the forecasts, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn, and Pisces will be the luckiest. By 2025, they will be able to achieve incredible goals and fulfill their cherished dreams. Starting in May and throughout the next year, you will feel the influence of Jupiter, the planet of prosperity, development, and expansion.

What zodiac is lucky in 2026? ›

2026 General Summary

Fire Horse in a Fire Year. As the Fire Year makes the Fire Horse stronger, this is an auspicious year. Take Note: Fire Horse in Fire Year is both of same element, so be careful as same element often denotes possible competition/struggle.

Is 2024 the year for karma? ›

Starting with our Year of Karma, 2024 is supposedly considered the year of karma because the number 8 is seen as the most karmic. Anastasia says that the number 8 signifies transformation, death, rebirth, and is considered the karmic number.

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