Unity - Models are stuck in animation or cringe poses in the Editor, not in Play-Moade. (2025)


polycounter lvl 9

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SuperSparkplug polycounter lvl 9

Aug 2022

I've been working on my game for almost 2 years and all characters T-Pose in editor where they're placed, which is good. However, recently as I was working on a new section, something strange started happening. I gradually began to notice that several of these models (which we call crowd models coming in man, woman, and child versions) started to stick in their animation pose in editor. I found it odd. Then as I kept working, I noticed this randomly started occurring throughout the entire game. I have no idea why. They mostly plays normally when the game runs, but I'm progressively noticing some which are distorted oddly.

We are using an additional Animation rigging system to help vary some of the animations which could be the cause of this, but no changes had been made to that system in a while and it's been working just fine. The only thing I can remember changing at the time I noticed this is changing the male version's animation settings because a frame was off and I began noticing it soon after. At the moment, all of the Crowd Models share the same animations, though that is to change soon.

This shouldn't be happening. Any ideas what is going on?

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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    Aug 2022

    Are you working on a team?

    Are you using version control?

    Bug hunt from memory is the worst type of bug hunt that you can do. You should leverage version controls history log. You can start by going back commits until the problem is not there, and then go through commits onward from there. If a quick skim doesnt show you something obvious , just got to go through one thing at a time and revert anything that is possible to be an offendor, then check if it's fixed.

    If you aren't using version control, you should set it up immediately, and you should feel a great sense of shame. Not working with version control is like building your house on top of a steaming volcano. Only a fool would do it.

    That's general bug hunting techniques. If you want more eyes familiar with unity or any specific plugins you are using there, you probably ought to ask in the unity subforum or at the official unity forums as well.

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    sacboi high dynamic range

    Aug 2022

    "If you aren't using version control, you should set it up immediately, and you should feel a great sense of shame. Not working with version control is like building your house on top of a steaming volcano. Only a fool would do it."


    especially the first part of that quoted text 😳

    (been ther felt that)

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    Neox godlike master sticky

    Aug 2022

    sorry i can't help

    make it a feature, that last pose is gold!

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    SuperSparkplug polycounter lvl 9

    Aug 2022

    Are you working on a team?

    Are you using version control?

    Yes and yes. I have been trying to hunt down the bug through previous versions and haven't had any luck so far. Granted, I haven't gone too far back, but earlier recent versions from before this seem to have the same issue... Even though I remember it not happening then.

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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    Aug 2022


    Sounds like an adventure is brewing :).

    Is there any merges from other members at any point?

    You might also try migrating portions to a clean project and see if you can narrow down problem spot like that.

    I can't offer much more than that unfortunately. Hopefully somebody more familiar with the editor might have some ideas to further narrow down. It could be anything really - depending on what packages you have installed it wouldn't be a huge surprise if it was just a bizarre engine-level bug either.

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    SuperSparkplug polycounter lvl 9

    Aug 2022


    So there were merges from other team members, but I believe when this started I had been the only one committing for some time and I haven't pulled anything. I did try a clean project install and it didn't go away.

    This feels like a bizarre engine-level bug. Wouldn't be the first time.

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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter

    Aug 2022

    if you migrated the animation related stuff to a clean project and the problem persist, but the problem was not present in the project until recently, and you haven't changed versions of the engine or any plugins/packages, I think that might indicate it is a problem with your implementation then.

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Unity - Models are stuck in animation or cringe poses in the Editor, not in Play-Moade. (2025)
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