The Wedding Shoe Game: 200+ Questions To Ask (2024)

The Wedding Shoe Game is a classic wedding reception game that always generates laughter. And we have a fun list of Wedding Shoe Game Questions for you to use on your big day!

Planning the wedding reception is just as important as the ceremony. This is where you want guests to have fun and enjoy themselves, so take some time to come up with various forms of entertainment like this bride and groom questions game.

The Wedding Shoe Game: 200+ Questions To Ask (1)

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Whether you decided to play this game at your wedding reception in front of your guests, or print out a game card to play at your bridal shower, this is a fun game for all involved!

Read below for our guide on how to play the game and some great question ideas to ask!

What Is The Wedding Shoe Game?

The Wedding Shoe Game is a fun wedding reception activity where the bride and groom have to prove their knowledge of each other.

They will be asked questions such as who the best cook is or the worst driver, and they have to decide who it applies to–all without being able to see each other’s answers.

It is an entertaining game for the guests to watch, especially when the answers don’t align!

How to Play

This game is such a simple set up and requires the bare minimum of preparation.

It is an easy wedding reception game to play but still provides a great source of entertainment. Here is how you play:

Step 1: Set It Up

Set up two chairs back to back, and seat the bride and groom down together.

The point of the game is that they don’t see each other’s answers.

For this game, the bride will be using her own shoes, and her partner’s shoes.

Have them take off both of their shoes and hand one to the other. They should each be holding one of the bride’s shoes and one of the groom’s.

These shoes will represent each other.

Someone will read a series of questions, and if the answer is the groom, she will hold up the groom’s shoe. If the answer is the bride, she will raise her own shoe.

Step 2: Choose The Host

The host will be reading the questions out loud to the couple.

It is usually the maid of honor or best man, although it can also be one of the parents of the couple or the DJ.

They need to be confident enough to stand up in front of a crowd, so choose someone who does not get stage fright easily.

Have the person in charge of the questions hold a microphone, so that the entire room can hear them speak.

Step 3: Read the Shoe Game Questions

Either print out a list of questions that you found online or make up your own!

It is a good idea to make a mix of questions–have them be serious, romantic, difficult, and hilarious.

Take some time to think of entertaining questions that make the couple really think hard about their answers.

Also, make sure that the couple don’t know the questions beforehand.

They should not have any extra time to think of their answers or even discuss it with each other.

The point of the game is to test their knowledge…and get a few laughs.

The questions should be prepared ahead of time by someone in the bridal party, typically the one who will host the game.

Step 4: Answer The Wedding Game Questions!

Once the question is read out, the bride and groom should immediately answer.

They will raise the shoe of the person they think fits the description best.

For example, if they think the bride is a better driver, then they will raise her shoe as an answer.

Most of the time they try to turn around to see each other’s answers, so make sure they reset and are sitting back-to-back before the next round of questions are asked.

They might even start bickering if they choose different answers, which can be funny for the guests to watch (so long as it remains just lighthearted teasing).

The Wedding Shoe Game: 200+ Questions To Ask (2)

Change It Up

This game is usually played by the bride and groom, but you can change it up in any which way you please!

It can easily be a game that involves the wedding guests as well. You could try and make it into a competitive game to see who knows the bride and groom best.

You might even offer that whoever wins the most rounds can earn a prize or gift.

The Bride And Groom Question Game Alternative

A great pairing for this game would be to pit the maid of honor against the best man.

These two people should know the couple the best out of everyone at the reception, so it would be entertaining to see their different answers.

They might be protective over their friend and not want to choose them for bad answers, or they might love to throw their friend under the bus and reveal their true quirks and characteristics.

Just as it is funny to see the bride and groom bicker over answers, it can also be funny to see them argue over their friend’s answers as well, especially if they feel like they don’t apply to the statements.

Types of Questions

You should include some questions that are both odd and difficult to answer in this type of round to really make it a challenge for them and entertaining for the other guests.

Do remember, though, to keep it lighthearted and enjoyable.

Don’t make the questions too personal or invasive, and try to avoid any actual fighting. It should always just be to tease the couple and make them laugh.

The Wedding Shoe Game Questions List

Now that you have an understanding of how the game works, here are some great questions to ask the happy couple!

For fun, add some questions where the answer may be both of them together.

  • Who said “I love you” first?
  • Who made the first move?
  • Who is the better cook?
  • Who talks the most?
  • Who takes the longest to get ready?
  • Who is the most stubborn?
  • Who has better taste in music?
  • Who has a better sense of style?
  • Who spends all the money?
  • Who gives better gifts?
  • Who is more likely to get a traffic ticket?
  • Who has the craziest family?
  • Who is smarter?
  • Who is more likely to get lost?
  • Who can hold their liquor better?
  • Who controls the remote control at home?
  • Who wakes up the earliest?
  • Who is most likely to leave laundry on the floor?
  • Who eats the most junk food?
  • Who wears the pants in the relationship?
  • Who went for the first kiss?
  • Who planned your first date?
  • Who initiated your first vacation?
  • Who’s the better kisser?
  • Who wanted to make it official first?
  • Who asked to move in together?
  • Who wants kids?
  • Who is more romantic?
  • Who asked the other out?
  • Who asked for the second date?
  • Who was more nervous to meet the groom’s parents?
  • Who was more nervous to meet the bride’s parents?
  • Who was more nervous about meeting the other half’s friends?
  • Who gets along with the other’s family more?
  • Who initiates fun in the bedroom?
  • Whose parents would they most likely agree to go with for a drink?
  • Who wants kids sooner?
  • Who’s had the most relationships?
The Wedding Shoe Game: 200+ Questions To Ask (3)
  • Who is the first to apologize after a fight?
  • Who says “I Love You” more?
  • Who would eat dessert for breakfast?
  • Who has worse road rage?
  • Who eats the slowest?
  • Who is funnier?
  • Who is more stubborn?
  • Who is most likely to fall asleep in a movie?
  • Who has the best hair?
  • Who is the most stylish?
  • Who takes longer showers?
  • Who is more likely to ask for directions?
  • Who will want kids first?
  • Who planned the honeymoon?
  • Who is more likely to pass a yellow light?
  • Who is a better dancer?
  • Who is the planner?
  • Who hogs the blankets more?
  • Who will be doing the dishes?
  • Who has the crazier family?
  • Who saves more money?
  • Who hates being tired the most?
  • Who is more passionate about politics?
  • Who is more interested in politics and worldly events?
  • Who is messier?
  • Who is more confident?
  • Who is more laid back?

Funny Shoe Game Questions

  • Who is more likely to do a striptease for their partner?
  • Who talks more during a movie?
  • Who is more likely to talk to a stranger?
  • Who has two left feet when dancing?
  • Who can hear someone coming down the hallway before they actually show up?
  • Who is more likely to burn water?
  • Who is more likely to be arrested?
  • Who argues more with their partner?
  • Who will be doing the laundry?
  • Who always forgets to put the toilet seat down?
  • Who is always right?
  • Who is more lucky to have found the other one?
  • Who will fall asleep first tonight?
  • Who is more of a baby when they are sick?
  • Who’s more likely to break their phone?
  • Who leaves their dirty dishes in the sink overnight?
  • Who is more likely to get stranded on a deserted island?
  • Who could eat a whole pint of ice cream in one sitting?
  • Who will be taking care of the spiders in the house?
  • Who is more competitive when it comes to games?
  • Who farts more in bed?
  • Who is worse on lack of sleep?
  • Who can’t deal with being ‘hangry’, or extremely hungry?
  • Who’s more likely to buy the other a surprise gift?
  • Who gets road rage?
  • Who’s less likely to tell a white lie?
  • Who is more immature?
  • Who would bake a cake?
  • Who wants a pet?
  • Who smells better?
  • Who is more fun?
  • Who got their licence first, or would get it first?
  • Who would give a big tip in a restaurant?
  • Who is scared of heights?
  • Who is the early bird?
  • Who eats a healthier diet?
  • Who has a sweet tooth?
  • Who would skip breakfast?
  • Who dresses better?
  • Who is more ambitious?
  • Who has traveled more?
  • Who would bet?
  • Who prefers to sleep in than have an early morning?
  • Who would get up for an early morning run?
  • Who cares more about their social media?
  • Who watches more films?
  • Who trips over something in the street?
The Wedding Shoe Game: 200+ Questions To Ask (4)

Newlywed Shoe Game Questions

  • Who remembers important dates more?
  • Who is likely to eat the last piece of food?
  • Who is more spontaneous?
  • Who is more adventurous?
  • Who has more shoes?
  • Who planned the first date?
  • Who is more romantic?
  • Who is the better kisser?
  • Who is most likely to give their partner a backrub?
  • Who spends more time on social media?
  • Who told their family about the relationship first?
  • Who needs more attention?
  • Who’s more likely to get lost?
  • Who was the first to bring up marriage?
  • Who would rather stay in and watch a movie than go out?
  • Who does most of the driving when you go on road trips together?
  • Who remembers to fill up the gas tank before it gets too low?
  • Who usually remembers to pay bills on time each month?
  • Who likes to save money rather than spend it all right away?
  • Who loves spicy food?
  • Who has the bigger sweet tooth?
  • Who spends more time at the gym/working out?
  • Who eats healthier?
  • Who would be the first to bungee jump?
  • Who wants the most kids?
  • Who is smarter?
  • Who has more common sense?
  • Who made the first move?
  • Who has more siblings?
  • Who prefers a night in to out?
  • Who prefers a vacation than a staycation?
  • Who prefers a city break than a beach one?
  • Who was the nerd at school?
  • Who would prefer a cat?
  • Who would prefer a dog?
  • Who is braver?
  • Who takes the longest ordering a meal at a restaurant?
  • Who wants to live in the country rather than the city?
  • Who is dafter?
  • Who spends more time working?
  • Who sleeps the most?
  • Who is more family-orientated?
  • Who cries more?
  • Who is more driven by money?
  • Who makes the best burgers?
  • Who is the first to laugh?
  • Who is the first to encourage the other?
  • Who is more of a planner, than spontaneous?
  • Who is more of a clean freak?
  • Who would get stopped by a cop on a night out?
  • Who would forget a big event?
  • Who would enjoy a week without the internet?
  • Who would complain if a restaurant order was received wrong, and they got the wrong meal?
  • Who would be late?
  • Who would quit their job and travel?
  • Who would go paragliding?
  • Who would crash a wedding?
  • Who would go on a wild shopping spree?
  • Who would break something on holiday?
  • Who would put their underwear on inside out and not realize?
  • Who would skip their daily shower?
  • Who would give to charity?

List of Shoe Game Questions For Couples

  • Who starts the arguments?
  • Who is better at surprises?
  • Who controls the remote?
  • Who works more?
  • Who sings better karaoke in the car?
  • Who is the pickier eater?
  • Who is the safer driver?
  • Who paid for the first date?
  • Who is more likely to be on a reality show?
  • Who gives the best gifts?
  • Who is the most likely to be running late?
  • Who is more likely to get hurt?
  • Who has been in more car accidents?
  • Who is the most likely to wake up grumpy?
  • Who is always cold?
  • Who is more likely to lose their keys?
  • Who is the bigger sports fan?
  • Who watches more TV?
  • Who is the loudest?
  • Who make better scrambled eggs?
  • Who is the most passionate?
  • Who eats the most junk food?
  • Who tells the best jokes?
  • Who is more adventurous?
  • Who is most likely to start their own business?
  • Who is more likely to admit they are wrong?
  • Who cries most during a movie?
  • Who is more likely to plan the date?
  • Who fell in love first?
  • Who is most likely to bring home a stray animal?
  • Who is the deeper sleeper?
  • Who had better grades in school?
  • Who is the most frugal?
  • Who is the better shower singer?
  • Who is the bigger party animal?
  • Who is feeling so thankful everyone is here today?
  • Who drives better?
  • Who is funnier?
  • Who snores louder?
  • Who loses their keys more often?
  • Who is pickier about what they eat?
  • Who sings better?
  • Who spends longer in the bathroom?
  • Who hates Mondays more?
  • Who plays the most sports?
  • Who drinks the most beer?
  • Who exercises the most?
  • Who hates the gym?
  • Who is more inquisitive?
  • Who is more sociable?

End the questions with one of the following:

  • Who do you want to annoy for the rest of your life?
  • Who do you love the most in the world?
  • Who are you excited to spend your forever with?

If you want even more wedding shoe game questions, we have a great list of Who’s Most Likely To Questions for Couples, that would work perfectly!

Where Can The Shoe Game Be Played?

You don’t have to reserve this game for the wedding reception! Try this fun couples question game at a bridal shower, engagement party, or rehearsal dinner.

Wherever you have friends gathered around to celebrate, you can definitely play this He Said, She Said Game.

Shoe Game At A Wedding Reception?

Always make sure ahead of time that the couple is willing to play this game. You don’t want to upset them by pestering them with private questions.

But if they are up for it, it can be a great way to get the reception started and have everyone laughing.

Use our guide to help you plan your own version of the Wedding Shoe Game!

How many questions should you have for the wedding shoe game?

We suggest you keep the shoe game to around 25-35 questions. You don’t want the game going super long to where the guests get bored, but you also don’t want it to be too fast, and have some wondering why you even did it.

How long should the she game be at a wedding?

Between 10-15 minutes is a great time to shoot for when you play the wedding shoe game at a reception.

When should you play the shoe game at a wedding?

You’ll want to play this game while everyone is seated for dinner, or in the in-between time when you’re switching activities. Example: after the cake cutting, before opening up the dance floor, etc.

Do you have to use your own shoes?

Of course not! Use different colored paddle, photos of each other, a colored scarf, etc. You can play this game however you choose. Just be sure to have 2 different “markers” that symbolize the bride vs. the groom.

Check out these printable versions of the game for your guests!

The Wedding Shoe Game: 200+ Questions To Ask (5)The Wedding Shoe Game: 200+ Questions To Ask (6)

The Wedding Shoe Game: 200+ Questions To Ask (7)The Wedding Shoe Game: 200+ Questions To Ask (8)

The Wedding Shoe Game: 200+ Questions To Ask (9)The Wedding Shoe Game: 200+ Questions To Ask (10)

Sara Kae

Sara, a seasoned expert in wedding planning and date ideas, brings a wealth of experience to our couples blog. With a background in the television industry and hands-on involvement in a dozen weddings, including working as a wedding assistant on "My Fair Wedding with David Tutera," Sara has an innate understanding of the magic that makes weddings truly special. Growing up with four sisters has given her unique insights into the dating world, making her a go-to source for practical and heartfelt dating advice. Her knowledge and enthusiasm make her the perfect guide for couples seeking to infuse their relationships with creativity and love.

The Wedding Shoe Game: 200+ Questions To Ask (2024)
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