The television series “Tanked” made a splash on Animal Planet from 2011 to 2018, showcasing the colorful personalities and aquatic artistry of the Las Vegas-based family business, Acrylic Tank Manufacturing (ATM). The show followed co-owners Wayde King and Brett Raymer as they crafted elaborate and enormous custom aquariums for a variety of clients, from celebrities to ordinary folks. As the show has been off the air for a few years, fans often wonder what the cast of “Tanked” is up to now. This article dives into the current whereabouts of the show’s main cast members.
Wayde King
Wayde King, the CEO of ATM and the more level-headed half of the “Tanked” duo, continues to run the company. Since the show ended, King has focused on expanding the business and its offerings. He has also been involved in various water-related projects and has shown a keen interest in water purification and conservation efforts. Wayde’s social media presence suggests that he remains passionate about aquariums and is still active in the industry.
Brett Raymer
Brett Raymer, the COO of ATM and Wayde’s brother-in-law, was known for his outgoing personality and bold ideas on the show. Post-“Tanked,” Brett has continued his work at ATM and has also ventured into other business opportunities. He has been active on social media, engaging with fans and promoting his new ventures, which include a line of CBD products and a doughnut shop located in Las Vegas called Donut Mania.
Agnes Wilczynski
Agnes Wilczynski, the sales coordinator and estimator for ATM, played a crucial role in the company’s operations on “Tanked.” After the show, she has maintained a relatively low profile. While she is still believed to be with ATM, her public appearances and social media activity have been minimal, making it harder to track her current endeavors.
Heather King
Heather King, Wayde’s wife and the company’s accountant, was often seen managing the financial aspects of the business on the show. Since “Tanked” ended, Heather has reportedly continued to work behind the scenes at ATM. However, she has also faced personal challenges, including a publicized legal issue with Wayde in 2019. The current status of their relationship is private, and Heather’s professional focus remains on the financial health of ATM.
Irwin Raymer
Irwin Raymer, Brett’s father and the office manager at ATM, was a fan favorite for his straightforward attitude and comedic moments. Known affectionately as “The General,” Irwin has stepped back from the spotlight since the show’s conclusion. While he is not active on social media, it is believed that he is enjoying retirement and spending time with his family.
Robert “Robbie Redneck” Christlieb
Robert Christlieb, also known as “Robbie Redneck,” was the shop’s foreman and a key member of the ATM team. Robbie’s expertise in tank building and his down-to-earth personality made him a standout on the show. Post-“Tanked,” Robbie has continued his work in the aquarium industry. He occasionally posts on social media, where he shares his ongoing projects and life in Las Vegas.
Life After “Tanked”
While “Tanked” provided a significant boost to ATM’s profile, the company has had to adapt to life after reality TV. The cast members have taken different paths, with some continuing to embrace the public eye and others choosing a more private life. Here’s a summary of their current statuses:
- Wayde King: Continues to lead ATM and is involved in water-related initiatives.
- Brett Raymer: Active in ATM and pursuing other business ventures.
- Agnes Wilczynski: Presumed to still be with ATM, though keeping a low profile.
- Heather King: Focused on ATM’s finances, personal life remains private.
- Irwin Raymer: Likely enjoying retirement away from the public eye.
- Robert Christlieb: Still building tanks and sharing his life on social media.
ATM’s Business Evolution
Despite the end of “Tanked,” Acrylic Tank Manufacturing has not slowed down. The company continues to produce high-quality custom aquariums and has expanded its reach globally. They have also embraced new technologies and design trends to stay at the forefront of the aquarium industry.
Impact of “Tanked” on the Aquarium Industry
“Tanked” brought widespread attention to the world of custom aquariums, inspiring many viewers to explore the hobby. The show’s legacy lives on through the increased interest and innovation in the aquarium industry. The cast’s creativity and passion have left a lasting mark on both fans and professionals alike.
FAQ Section
Is Acrylic Tank Manufacturing still in business?
Yes, Acrylic Tank Manufacturing is still in business and continues to create custom aquariums for clients around the world.
Did any of the “Tanked” cast members start their own businesses?
Brett Raymer has ventured into other businesses, including a CBD product line and a doughnut shop in Las Vegas.
Can fans visit ATM’s showroom?
ATM’s showroom in Las Vegas was a popular destination for fans during the show’s run. While it is not clear if the showroom is still open to the public, ATM continues to operate out of Las Vegas.
The cast of “Tanked” has each taken their own path since the show ended, but they all remain connected by their shared history at Acrylic Tank Manufacturing. While some have stayed in the public eye and others have retreated from it, their contributions to the aquarium industry and to entertainment continue to be felt. Whether they are still building awe-inspiring tanks, exploring new business ventures, or enjoying a well-deserved retirement, the cast of “Tanked” has left an indelible mark on their fans and on the world of custom aquariums.