Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (2024)

Starting on Nov. 25, you will be given free time. You should be familiar with this by now. You are rapidly approaching the end of Persona 5, so be sure to finish up the stories you want to see.

  • 11/25 - 12/17 free time (23 days)
  • 12/18 Sunday
  • 12/19 Monday
  • 12/20-22 exams
  • 12/22 Thursday
  • 12/23 Friday
  • 12/24 The Prison of Regression
    • Floor 1
    • Floor 2
    • Floor 3
    • Treasure of Mementos boss fight
  • Choosing an ending
  • Ascending the temple
    • Uriel
    • Raphael
    • Gabriel
    • Michael
    • Holy Grail boss fight
    • God of Control, Yaldabaoth boss fight
      • Gun of Execution
      • Bell of Declaration
      • Sword of Conviction
      • Book of Commandments
  • 12/25 Sunday
  • January - March
  • 3/19 Sunday
  • 3/20 Monday

There are several ways to spend your free time:

  • Spend as much time with friends as possible. It is basically now or never with your Confidants, so finish leveling up whoever you can. If you aren’t in a relationship with one of your female friends yet, make that happen as soon as possible or forever hold your peace.
  • Mementos, "Swindling Old Folk is Pretty Low:" For this request, head all the way down to floor 13 of the Adyeshach area. You will need these floors in Mementos unlocked before you can finish the game, so might as well take the time now. The boss is very easy. Hit him with your physical skills and magical abilities. He will go down in no time.
  • Mementos, "The Head Honcho in Showbiz:" Go all the way down to Sheriruth 14, the last floor in Mementos (or is it?). Shadow Asakura will be on the platform. For being the only S difficulty request, this guy goes down without much of a problem. Use Nuke skills and he will fall quickly. Take out this rather … um … phallic boss to net yourself a sweet piece of armor.

The election is today. Shido wins, of course, but his acceptance speech is a little more somber than expected. He breaks down and confesses all of his crimes to the country. Celebrate with your friends in Leblanc and then head to sleep.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (1)

With Shido confessing his crimes, you can go back to school. Head back and find out that you have finals tomorrow. Time to go home and study with friends for the rest of the night.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (2)

You have exams on these days. If you need help with any answers, we’ve got you covered.

You have exams today but you also get to have some free time after. Spend it with whoever you want. This is your last full day of free time, so spend it wisely.

Hang with the gang today and have one final meeting in Leblanc. When you head to sleep, Morgana will hit max level and Igor will have a chat with you. Tomorrow you enter the depths of Mementos.

All of today is going to be the Mementos depths. You will enter automatically later in the day. Head all the way down to Sheriruth 14 and open the final door. You will now be on Iweleth 1. Head forward and enter the scary-looking door. Time to learn what secrets Mementos holds.

This dungeon is very story-focused. This guide will proceed with all story content absent, so we won’t spoil anything.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (3)

Floor 1

Before proceeding. it is worth mentioning that talking to one of the twins outside of the velvet room entrance will heal you fully as well as restore all of your SP. Be sure to visit them every time you reach a safe room.

Look to your right to see a large group of people. Take the left path around them. Jump on the platforms until you reach a large opening. Jump up to it and go through.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (4)

Jump down and follow the left path. You will get into a fight. Use Wind to take the enemies out quickly. Head forward and examine the panel.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (5)

This will be your first of many pattern puzzles. This dungeon is very straightforward but your progress is gated through these kinds of puzzles. The goal is to turn all of the yellow platforms into blue platforms. The platforms switch colors when you walk over them.

For this one you want to go: down, down, right, up, right, up, left, left.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (6)

Activate the panel once you are finished and the door will open. Head forward and grab the chest to your left. Take the door on your right.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (7)

Jump down and go forward. Take a left and start another puzzle.

The solution for this one is: right, right, right, left, left, up, down, right, left, left.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (8)
Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (9)
Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (10)

Hit the switch at the end and proceed forward. Take two rights and enter another puzzle area.

The solution for this one is: down, right, down, down, up, left, up, down, up, up.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (11)
Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (12)
Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (13)

Hit the switch and proceed forward. You will be in a room with a gigantic pit. Take the Morgana bus down.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (14)

Floor 2

Take a left, then a right and follow the forward path. Take the stairs and then two rights. Take the second left and then another right. Go left and jump down. Follow the path and grab the chest.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (15)

Go through the door on the path and jump down again. Take a left and run right into the Passageway Safe Room . Teleport to entrance to get a full heal from the twins and then proceed.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (16)

Take a right out of the safe room and fight the Warden.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (17)

While he is completely immune to physical attacks, he is weak to Nuke skills. Use Makoto to take him out quickly. Once he falls, grab the odd disc behind him.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (18)

Return to the Passageway Safe Room and take the left path instead. You will now be at another puzzle. Before you try and solve it, go to the back side of the wall in the middle of a puzzle. Place the disc into the slot to open a secret room.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (19)

Activate the puzzle.

The solution for this one is: down, left, down, down, right, right, up, up, left, right, down, left (into the room), right, up, left, up.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (20)
Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (21)

Activate the switch and move on. Take the door and head down into another large pit.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (22)

Floor 3

Go forward and follow the path. There are a lot of enemies on this floor, so be careful. At the end of the path, you will come up on another puzzle. This one will be slightly different. This puzzle only allows you to make a certain amount of moves before failing you instantly. All of the puzzles from here on out will be like this. The white dots on the platform denotes the number of moves remaining.

This puzzle will also add in the dark bridge. This is a platform suspended over a hole that does not have a puzzle associated with it, meaning that you can move over it freely.

The solution for this puzzle is: down (onto the bridge), down, right, right, up, up, left, left.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (23)

Hit the switch and proceed forward. Ignore the first puzzle on your left and keep going straight. You will come up on yet another puzzle.

The solution for this one is: left, down, right (bridge), right, right, left, left (bridge), right, up, left.

Grab the disc behind the wall and return to the other puzzle in this room. Use your new disc on the slot in the wall to open a passageway.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (26)

Now that you have it open, proceed to start the puzzle.

The solution for this one is: left, down, down, right, up (room), up, right, down, down, left, up (room), up.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (27)
Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (28)

You are almost done with these puzzles. Head forward and follow the path. Jump down and go through the door. Go forward and take a right. You will now be in a large room with several puzzles. Head to the right pylon first and activate it.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (29)

The solution for this one is: right, down, up, left, left, right, right, left.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (30)

Hit the switch to open up an area that makes the next puzzle solvable. Head to the left side puzzle now.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (31)

The solution for this one is: left, left, down, down, right, right, up, up. Just go in a circle.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (32)

Activate the switch to lower another platform. Finally, approach the center pylon and activate the puzzle.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (33)

The solution for this final puzzle is: left, left, right, down, left, down, down, right, up, up, up, right.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (34)
Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (35)

The door will open. Proceed forward and hang a left for the Lower Passageway Safe Room. Heal up and proceed forward into the shrine. Jump down into the depths.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (36)
Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (37)

There isn’t a whole lot to be said about this particular boss fight. Whale on it as much as you can and make sure that you keep your party members healthy. Once its health falls a little bit, the masses will sacrifice themselves to heal it. Over time, Treasure of Mementos will change from black to gold. Repeat the process until it is shiny as can be.

A cutscene will eventually trigger, and the gang will be kicked out of Mementos.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (38)

After some important story moments, you will have to face a familiar foe. You will be unable to move for the fight. Have no fear, you are supposed to lose.

After this fight you will be offered a single dialogue choice. Answering "Very well …" will net you the "good" ending, which actually isn’t good at all. The game will end now and you will not fight the final boss. However, if you want to see the "true" ending, answer with "I refuse."

Once you gain control again, walk around the prison area of the Velvet Room. Speak to each one of your teammates and convince them to follow you for one last ride. Once you have found your six human teammates, return to the center of the Velvet Room to have a quick meeting. Once you are all united again, head up the stairs.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (39)

This miniature dungeon is hardly a dungeon at all. Instead, it is a mini-boss rush leading up to the final fight. Follow the path ahead of you, and watch out for treasure chests along the way. Each time you reach a circular platform you will fight a mini-boss. You can return to the Velvet Room entrance for health and SP.


Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (40)

Uriel will summon additional minions to fight alongside him. Use Curse skills to take them out as quickly as possible. Use abilities with a high probability of criticals to take Uriel down quickly.


Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (41)

Use critical strikes, just like you did with Uriel. However, Raphael will spend most of the fight buffing himself. This will make his attacks extremely lethal. Use Ann to remove these buffs, and continue whittling his health down piece by piece.


Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (42)

Gabriel uses very powerful Bless moves. Make sure you have a Persona that has Null Bless. If you get lucky, Gabriel will do most of the damage to herself instead of to your party. Aside from that, continue using criticals, just as you have with Raphael and Uriel.


Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (43)

Michael is a combination of all three of the angels before him. Use Curse skills to take down his adds, remove buffs, and reflect Bless skills. Use critical hits much as you can, and he will go down without much of a problem.

Once Michael has fallen, return to the Velvet Room entrance for some health. Once you are ready, proceed over the bridge and enter the final fight.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (44)
Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (45)

At the start of the fight you will need to send someone to cut the healing vines. Pick a member of your party to go and wail on the boss with the remaining three. Each time you deal a certain amount of damage, your part member will inch forward. Once they have cut the vines, the fight is on.

The Holy Grail can no longer heal. Now you just have to kill it before it kills you. Buff yourself and your teammates. Beat on the Holy Grail with your most powerful abilities. When it charges up for Eternal Light, use Guard or you’re going to get one-shot killed. Once the Holy Grail falls, the true fight begins …

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (46)
Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (47)

This fight is very long but not particularly difficult. For the time being, use your most powerful abilities on the boss. Lower his defense and raise your attack. Eventually, the boss will start equipping himself with weapons.

Gun of Execution

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (48)

The Gun of Execution is invulnerable against Wind and Gun damage. Take it down as quickly as possible. Use abilities that can hit multiple targets to take down both the arm and the boss at the same time.

Bell of Declaration

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (49)

The Bell of Declaration is invulnerable against Psi and Fire attacks. Take it down as quickly as possible. Use abilities that can hit multiple targets to take down both the arm and the boss at the same time.

Sword of Conviction

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (50)

The Sword of Conviction is invulnerable against Physical and Electric damage. Take it down as quickly as possible. Use abilities that can hit multiple targets to take down both the arm and the boss at the same time.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (51)

Book of Commandments

The Book of Commandments is invulnerable against Ice and Nuke damage. It will occasionally cast a counter spell. During this period, do not attack the boss or the book. Once it wears off, take it down as quickly as possible. Use abilities that can hit multiple targets to take down both the arm and the boss at the same time.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (52)

Once you have lowered the boss’ health enough, he will begin partially healing arms. Take these low health arms out as quickly as possible while still damaging the boss. When his health gets very low, he will pull out all four arms at once and do a super move. Use Guard to avoid death.

Ignore the hands for now and focus all of your damage on the boss. Eventually, he will fall.

Things aren’t over just yet. Enjoy a really cool cutscene before you deliver your final blow.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (53)

Time for some very emotional cutscenes. Talk to Sae for a bit and then spend some time with your special someone.

Turn yourself into the cops.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (54)

Your friends will spend this time trying to free you from Juvenile Hall. They will succeed just in time for you to spend Valentine’s Day with your special friend.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (55)

You will receive a gift based on who you chose as your girlfriend. This will carry over into New Game Plus.

Walk around Tokyo and say goodbye to all of your max rank Confidants. Each of them will give you a gift that carries over into the next playthrough. Make sure you don’t forget to visit the Velvet Room if you maxed out your Strength Confidant. Once you have talked to everyone, return home to Leblanc and say goodbye for a final time.

Leave Tokyo and return home.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (56)

Thanks for playing along with us, and we will see you in New Game Plus.

Persona 5 guide: All of December, the Prison of Regression and the end walkthrough (2024)


What happens if you say "very well" to Igor? ›

Answering with "Very well ..." will net you one of the bad endings. Persona 5 will end here, and you will not fight the final boss. Answering with "I refuse" will get you the true ending.

What is Yaldabaoth's weakness? ›

Yaldabaoth has no weaknesses or resistances (though it cannot be affected by instant kill skills) and will gain more actions per turn as the battle goes on. It cannot be downed by Down Shot.

What is the sword of conviction in Persona 5 Royal? ›

The Sword of Conviction is invulnerable against Physical and Electric damage. Take it down as quickly as possible. Use abilities that can hit multiple targets to take down both the arm and the boss at the same time.

How to get true ending in Persona 5 vanilla? ›

Obtaining the Good and True Endings requires reaching the game's last original dungeon. If you agree to the offer, you'll get the 'Good' Ending, shortly leading into the credits. Should you decline, you'll make your way to Persona 5's original True Ending.

Should I confess to Niijima? ›

At this point, Prosecutor Nijima will prod Joker for information about his fellow Phantom Thieves. Tell her nothing. Giving Sae information on them will automatically trigger one of the game's bad endings, concluding the story.

Is Igor the main villain? ›

Igor, also known as the Master by his servants, is the overarching protagonist of the Persona series.

Is Yaldabaoth a false God? ›

In the Archontic, Sethian, and Ophite systems, Yaldabaoth is regarded as the malevolent Demiurge and false god of the Old Testament who generated the material universe and keeps the souls trapped in physical bodies, imprisoned in the world full of pain and suffering that he created.

Who is the opposite of Yaldabaoth? ›

Credited as the "Second Son of God", Satanael is an angel created by Sophia similarly to how she created his brother Yaldabaoth. He acts as the antithesis to Yaldabaoth, being the bringer of chaos and free will rather than order and suppression.

What is Yaldabaoth's true form? ›

It is revealed that Yaldabaoth and God are actually the same being, with Yaldabaoth being an alter ego of the God of Israel. As God is a deity of pure love and benevolence, the Lord is not able to destroy His creation, so He uses His alter egos that embody His wrath or His hatred to execute His punishments.

How is Sae Niijima cheating? ›

No matter the player's choice on the roulette bet, she will cheat on the first spin. Morgana will ask the player if they caught on to her cheating and will prompt the player to answer. The player must affirm that Sae is using a glass lid to manipulate the results.

Do I tell Niijima who the phantom thieves are? ›

When Sae asks you whether or not your friends were involved with the Phantom Thieves, sell them out right away ("That's right.") or upon her pressing further after you deny ("I'll tell you everything."). The interrogation will end there and you will submit to ruin.

Is pagan allure inheritable? ›

Pagan Allure CAN be inherited, but the only thing you may want it for is a persona that has a bunch of different elemental skills on it just to target the weaknesses of random mobs. Satanael's passive skill Tyrant's Mind, however, is the opposite.

Should you refuse Igor's deal? ›

Bad End One: Don't Even Start Playing The Game

You can unlock one of the bad endings from the get-go by refusing to agree to Igor's contract in the Velvet Room. You have to commit to Igor's contract, or there's no way to play the rest of the game.

Should I refuse god of Control? ›

Should Ren accept, it is implied that the Phantom Thieves have become no better than Akechi, and the public are doomed to be imprisoned by Yaldabaoth's control forever. If Ren refuses, this makes Yaldabaoth leave the Velvet Room, which in return frees the real Igor and cements the path to the game's true ending.

Who is the true final boss in Persona 5? ›

During the boss fight against Masayoshi Shido, Shido claims that he was "chosen by God" to lead the people of Japan. As it turns out, he was right, but then the god who chose him is evil. Thus, in the grand JRPG tradition, the final boss of Persona 5 Royal is the divine being known as the Holy Grail.

What happens if you accept the Yaldabaoth deal? ›

Yaldabaoth tempts Ren with a world where the Phantom Thieves are loved and respected. Should Ren accept, it is implied that the Phantom Thieves have become no better than Akechi, and the public are doomed to be imprisoned by Yaldabaoth's control forever.

Should I accept the Igors deal in P5R? ›

You can unlock one of the bad endings from the get-go by refusing to agree to Igor's contract in the Velvet Room. You have to commit to Igor's contract, or there's no way to play the rest of the game.

Does it matter how I answer "SAE"? ›

When Sae asks you whether or not your friends were involved with the Phantom Thieves, sell them out right away ("That's right.") or upon her pressing further after you deny ("I'll tell you everything."). The interrogation will end there and you will submit to ruin.

Do I accept the Saes deal? ›

When Sae comes to interrogate you, she'll offer to strike a deal. It doesn't matter what your first response is, but when she reads off the list of your fellow thieves, pick “No.” or “Never heard of them.” When she asks if there were other collaborators, pick the first response: “There were no such people.” That's it!

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.